When I last posted, we were ripping the front off of our house. That was, ahem, a year and a half ago. The home project snowballed, and snowballed, and then it avalanched. It was very overwhelming. In fact, it took about four months to complete. We went from this:

To this:

We did all of the work ourselves, except the painting. (Those eaves are really high!) By the time we hammered in the last nail (Actually, it was a nail gun.), I collapsed quietly into a puddle. Honestly, I’ve had a hard time climbing back out.
So, I’ve decided I’ll do a bullet point update and proceed from there. Hang onto your hats, folks! Here is our MIA time in a nutshell:
- We got Tucker! The hope is that he will eventually work sheep. And…he’s totally adorable!

- Our house flooded. It involved a horse in the backyard and a pipe in the pantry! No kidding!
- Cuthbert the Hog has moved onward and upward. (RIP Cuthbert)
- Coyotes attacked our sheep. We lost about $15,000 and a year’s freezer lamb. We’re SLOWLY rebuilding the flock.
- Liam changed to nightshift, so we now carpool and work the same shifts!
- Grace has done many of her nursing school prerequisites and will transfer to a University in the fall.
- Jonah is about to graduate with his first college degree and will start his second almost immediately. (The degrees work together.)
- Jonah got his first job in computer-aided drafting.
- Sam is planning to start college in the spring.
- Grace has been singing in some competitions and is doing very well.
- She’s taking piano lessons.
- Her artwork is outstanding!
- Both kids in college have consistently been on the Dean’s list.
- Sam hunted throughout our quarantine and kept us in meat when the shops were empty.
- Sam has helped with the remodel, farm, and emergencies WAY beyond the call of duty!
- Our family pulled together and kicked it through construction, coyotes, COVID, and now/again college!
AND drum roll or knocking knees or chattering teeth (They all equally apply.):
- Liam and I begin our Master’s degrees in the fall!!! 🤯
I am not sure exactly what format the blog will take with 4-5 of us in college, farm chores, and work. However, Grace and I are determined to stay focused and hope the blog will help us to be accountable, to keep a “journal”, and to keep up with our online friends.
Please, join us for farming, frugality, fun, and umm… late-night canning OR cramming sessions. Both will happen, here on The Funny Farm!