Equipment jars regular mouth wide mouth quarts pints half-pints larger sizes lids don’t reuse warm in hot tap water reusable rings (both sides) lifter funnel bubble magnet tool tool kit water bath canner pressure canner Process temperature stack jars process times process pressures Storage LABLE rings off dark cool boxes […]
March 28-April 2 Meal Plan Liam has asked me, “What’s the plan, Stan?” since before we had kids. I assume it came from some childhood TV show or, perhaps, just a childhood trauma (jk). However, I thought I would share our supper plans. It’ll keep me accountable about meal planning. […]
I recently wrote about how to ferment sauerkraut in bulk. In fact, that post shows how to make ten quarts of kraut at a time. Now, myself excluded, my crew loves kraut! But, even four people, who eat like starving farmhands, can’t conquer ten quarts of kraut before it goes […]
Before we begin, I have a confession: I don’t like sauerkraut. There, I said it. Phew! I find storebought kraut to be mushy, salty, and vinegary. Homemade is a big improvement. I’ll eat it on Ruben sandwiches, in one specific pork dish, and in a recipe Grace makes, but that’s […]
Liam used to make a habit of starting conversations with the phrase, “Houston We Have a Problem”. Typically, this announced some minor calamity, but could mean anything up to arterial spray, a pressure dressing, and the need for CareFlight! Needless to say, those words send me into instant flight or […]
One of the facets of our ‘off the beaten path’ life that catches attention is home canning. Questions about canning come from different groups. Old-school canners want to swap war stories and recipes. Folks, who’ve made pickles or jam, want reassurance and information before venturing into pressure canning. Many who’ve […]
My kids are a little weird. Okay, maybe more than a little. And…maybe there is something to the theory of genetics. After all, that weirdness comes from their daddy’s side. Alright! Fine! We’re all weird odd strange doolally pleasantly eccentric. Yes, that’s it eccentric, and pleasantly so. I was confronted […]
Some of you may notice that our cast and crew seem a bit familiar. Unless you know us in real life, you may recognize us from our previous blogging adventures. Until a few years ago, our family shared our story at We enjoyed blogging and (virtually) meeting people from […]