At about 02:00 am the other day, I was working on blog stuff and noticed a sweet comment from another blogger. I went over to check out her blog. I only intended to take a quick peek, but I ended up spending almost an hour drooling over all the beautiful […]
Yearly Archives: 2020
We raise sheep, therefore, we eat lamb. Honestly, we eat a lot of Lamb. Liam’s family has Irish heritage, therefore I cook a lot of Irish food. These facts synergize beautifully to create a LOT of Shepherd’s Pie on our table. If you don’t eat lamb or can’t afford it, […]
We raise a small flock of St. Croix sheep. I’ll do a proper post about the breed later, but today I want to talk about Number 29. Number 29 was one of the first sheep we bought. We lost her to an injury a couple of years ago, but tales […]
My kids are a little weird. Okay, maybe more than a little. And…maybe there is something to the theory of genetics. After all, that weirdness comes from their daddy’s side. Alright! Fine! We’re all weird odd strange doolally pleasantly eccentric. Yes, that’s it eccentric, and pleasantly so. I was confronted […]
Before we bought the farm, we had to remodel and sell our previous home. During the remodel, the house was uninhabitable. So, as a family, we made a pretty extreme decision. Liam, Jonah (16), Sam (12), Grace (11), Diarmuid and Grainne (120 lb dogs), Killian (a fat bossy tabby cat), […]
We have chickens. That usually means we have eggs. However, last year, we had snakes. Not poisonous snakes, but egg eaters. Egg eaters who terrify chickens…and sleep-deprived egg-gathering nurses. We usually have a couple of snakes each year, but last year the creepy things nested under our coop. The end […]
I think we’ve established that I don’t wake up ready to conquer the world. In fact, I wake stumbling, staring, and ready to sip tea…quietly. Often, I take my first cup to the porch. The view is great and apart from the animals, mornings are quiet. Honestly, I’ll take roosters […]
I think there’s a gene that controls the abilities to French braid hair, wake cheerfully, and enjoy shopping. I don’t carry this gene! My daughter wore ponytails until she learned to do her own hair. I stumble through the first hour of the day like a really drunk zombie (with […]
Breakfast at our house is a never-ending Tolkein tribute. Liam, who leaves for Mordor at 3:30 am, requires breakfast when he leaves and second-breakfast about 10:00 am. The boys are the Orcs of our domain. They’ll eat anything but consistently scream for meat. Grace is our resident elf. She eats […]
Some of you may notice that our cast and crew seem a bit familiar. Unless you know us in real life, you may recognize us from our previous blogging adventures. Until a few years ago, our family shared our story at We enjoyed blogging and (virtually) meeting people from […]