We have chickens. That usually means we have eggs. However, last year, we had snakes. Not poisonous snakes, but egg eaters. Egg eaters who terrify chickens…and sleep-deprived egg-gathering nurses. We usually have a couple of snakes each year, but last year the creepy things nested under our coop. The end […]
Monthly Archives: May 2020
I think we’ve established that I don’t wake up ready to conquer the world. In fact, I wake stumbling, staring, and ready to sip tea…quietly. Often, I take my first cup to the porch. The view is great and apart from the animals, mornings are quiet. Honestly, I’ll take roosters […]
I think there’s a gene that controls the abilities to French braid hair, wake cheerfully, and enjoy shopping. I don’t carry this gene! My daughter wore ponytails until she learned to do her own hair. I stumble through the first hour of the day like a really drunk zombie (with […]
Breakfast at our house is a never-ending Tolkein tribute. Liam, who leaves for Mordor at 3:30 am, requires breakfast when he leaves and second-breakfast about 10:00 am. The boys are the Orcs of our domain. They’ll eat anything but consistently scream for meat. Grace is our resident elf. She eats […]
Some of you may notice that our cast and crew seem a bit familiar. Unless you know us in real life, you may recognize us from our previous blogging adventures. Until a few years ago, our family shared our story at SimplyLivingTheDream.com. We enjoyed blogging and (virtually) meeting people from […]